Problems of Sri lankan Lagoon Fishery

In Sri Lanka, there are two main lagoons, Puttalam lagoon and Negombo lagoon which have fishery development. In this article, the social, biological and environmental problems associated with the fishers and fishery in Puttalam lagoon and Negombo lagoon are discussed with their causes and possible solutions.

Puttalam lagoon

Puttalam lagoon is situated in the coastal area of Puttalam district in North Western Province, Sri Lanka. The biological, social, and environmental problems related to the Puttalam lagoon fishery are as follows.

Biological Issues

01.  Depletion of fishery resources is a problem in Puttalam lagoon. High fishing intensity and fishing beyond sustainable limits are can be considered as the causes for this problem. A solution for this problem is,

·   Limiting the number of fishers and controlling access to who can fish in the lagoon.
Another cause for this is the use of small meshed nets and increased numbers of nets. To prevent this.
·   Conduct investigation and determine minimum mesh size of nets used for catching shrimp.
There are another two causes for the depletion of fishery resources. Continued use of banned illegal fishing gear due to lack of enforcement and Lack of awareness among enforcement agencies. A solution for these causes is,
·    Strict enforcement of regulations banning illegal and harmful gear and Awareness creation for security agencies involved in enforcement.
Another cause is excessive trawling at the lagoon mouth reduces the quantity of shrimp and fish entering the lagoon. A solution for this is,
·     Introduce collaborative management of fisheries.

Socio – economic issues

01.  Decreasing income from fishing is another problem. because of fishing by out siders (non-members) particularly during the peak season. Solutions for that are,

·         Ensure livelihoods of fishers through a strictly enforced licensing scheme.
·         Control access to who can fish in the lagoon.

Theft of fish and fishing gear as fishing is conducted for the whole day and theft of fish from nets at night are the reasons to that problem. The solution mentioned below can be given for this problem.
·         Strengthen monitoring, control and surveillance capability of concerned authorities.

02.  Another socio-economic problem is restrictions on fishing activities. Because of restriction of fishing areas due to tourism development activities and due to security zones. As a solution,

·        Establishing institutional mechanism enabling coordination between agencies to minimize economic damage to lagoon fishers and establish planned water use zonation.

03.  Shortage of fishing gear is another problem. As a solution for this, facilitate easy access to fishing gear.

04.  Problems in marketing fish. Because of no organized transport facility, no market for the catch, do not get fair price for fish, no proper marketing facility, unscrupulous fish vendors, large landing by banned gear depress prices and impact on earnings of lagoon fishers. Solutions for these situations are as follows.

·         Provision of better marketing facilities.
·         Strict enforcement of regulations against banned gear.

05.  Problems of infrastructure is another problem. Because of traditional landing centers lost due to the illegal construction. Conflicts between resident fishers, IDPs and migrant fishers. Conflicts between fishers in Kurakkanhena, Kuringnapitiya and Mandalakudawa due to the use of “Kudadela”.  As a solution for this,

·         Engage the appropriate authorities in policing and monitoring control and surveillance.

Environmental issues

01.  Destruction and pollution of the lagoon eco system adversely impacting of fishing. Because of illegal encroachment into the lagoon, destruction of mangroves for aquaculture and other development activities and pollution of lagoon water due to sewage disposal. As for the solutions,

·         Establishing lagoon boundaries to minimize illegal encroachment.
·     Preparing and implementing a mangrove management plan for the lagoon with community participation.
·      Establishing institutional mechanism enabling coordination between agencies to minimize damage to lagoon environment.

Governance issues

01.  Lack of data and information for management decisions. Because of lack of catch and effort data of the lagoon fishery and lack of research/ investigations on fishery resources and lagoon ecosystem.  Solutions for this issue are,

·       Introduce a collaborative fisheries data collection system for the lagoon, which involves both government and fishers in data collection.
·    Carry out research on data major fish and crustacean varieties (biology, population studies etc.) and share results /information with concerned institutions.
·      Carry out periodic research/investigations on the status of the ecosystem/environment.
·      Establish close integration horizontal and vertical) between DFAR, NARA, NAQDA etc.

Negombo Lagoon

There are some problems associated with the fishers and fishery in Negombo lagoon. Causes for such problems and solutions for that problems are mentioned below.

01.  Lack of management under existing institutional arrangements. Because of fisheries communities inactive and lack coordination, inadequate powers for fisheries management authority, lack of enforcement of management regulations.


·        Revive and strengthen fisheries communities.
·  Establish suitable institutional mechanism for wider stakeholder participation in management.
·     DFAR to take lead role and show more commitment and responsibility towards lagoon fisheries management.
·       Establish a functional monitoring, surveillance and enforcement mechanism.

02.  Depletion of fishery resources. Because of open access leading to increased fishing effort, use of destructive fishing practices, destruction of habitat/environment, lack of management and uncoordinated provision of craft and gear by different organizations. Solutions for this problem are,

·       Limit the number of fishers and control access to who can fish in the lagoon.
·       Strengthen monitoring, surveillance and enforcement capability.
·   Establish institutional mechanism enabling coordination between relevant agencies to minimize damage to lagoon environment.
·       Develop and implement a comprehensive collaborative fisheries management plan.

03.  Decreasing income from fishing and indebtedness. High fishing pressure and low catches from lagoon fishing and destructive and pollution of the lagoon ecosystem adversely impacting on fish resources are the reasons for that problem. Solutions for this problem are,

·        Prepare and implement an ecosystem-based fisheries management plan.
·        Introduce alternative livelihoods for fishers and fishing community.
·        Educate people on how to manage their income.
·   Introduce new methods to manage earnings from fishing (new investments savings, pension schemes etc.)

04.  Habitat destruction.
Illegal encroachment into the lagoon, destruction of mangroves for aquaculture and other development activities, destruction of sea grass beds due to use of harmful and prohibited fishing methods and fishing gear, sedimentation, pollution of lagoon water due to dumping of industrial and domestic waste and sewage disposal are the causes to that problem.

05.  Lack of data and information for management decisions.
Lack of catch and effort data collection of the lagoon fishery and lack of research/investigations on fishery resources and lagoon ecosystem are the reasons to that problem. Solutions for this problem are,

·      Introduce a fisheries data collection system for the lagoon.
·    Carry out research on major fish and crustacean varieties (biology, population studies, etc.) and share results/information with concerned institutions.
·       Carry out periodic research/investigations on the status of the ecosystem/environment.
·    Establish close integration (horizontal and vertical) between DFAR, NARA, NAQDA, etc.

06.  Inadequate compliance.
Because of violation of rules and regulations, lack of enforcement by concerned authorities and lack of knowledge and awareness. As the solutions,

·  Conduct awareness programs for fishers and other stakeholders (on present status, regulations, management plans etc.) through posters.
·    Conduct workshops, meetings and hold discussions with fishing community including school children.
·   Fishers and other stakeholders to be organized to comply with a voluntary code of conduct.
·       Strengthen enforcement capability and enforcement activities.

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